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Ludovic Keiser

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Welcome to my personal research page. I am Ludovic Keiser, a CNRS researcher working at Institut de Physique de Nice (INPHYNI), Université Côte d’Azur (UniCA), Nice, France.

Online research profiles: Google Scholar, ORCID: 0000-0002-1681-9606, ResearchGate.

Research Interests

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Recent Publications

  1. Embolism propagation in Adiantum leaves and in a biomimetic system with constrictions, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 21.217 (2024): 20240103, doi, pdf
  2. Releasing long bubbles trapped in thin capillaries via tube centrifugation and inclination, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 999 (2024): A9, doi, pdf


You can reach me at: ludovic.keiser[at]univ-cotedazur.fr